I think it is really humble and awesome of you to answer your fans questions, thanks for the opportunity =).
I'm serious about electric guitar for about 2-3 years now. I am 21 years old. You've been a major influence and inspiration for my playing over the years.
I am now studying your solos from megadeth and cacaphony era. I realize there are hunderds of thousands of guitar players around the world and a lot of them are trying their best. What would you say makes the difference between all the rest and the top tier guitarists like yourself? What i would like to achieve is to express myself musically the way i wish and the way it sounds like in my head. How is what the majority is doing different or wrong than you guys? First difference probably would be a fuck load of playing and practice probably, but i would love to hear you pointing out some key differences that you think.
Would love to see you again in Turkey btw!