Hi, Marty! I believe it is no mistake to say you have given up on a lot of things in your life in order to master the guitar. Also, regarding the incredible degree of success you have achieved plus some words of yours from this forum, it can be said that you are happy with your choice of lifestyle. My thing is: whenever I pick up the guitar, despite the pleasure of playing it - or just holding it -, I feel fear. I am giving up on a lot of stuff in order to play. Am I sure I will be satisfied with just this? Isn't there anything else that I can do? When I reach my 50's - I'm in my early 20's -, will I look back with pride or regret? I don't know if you've come across doubts as this one, but I ask you anyway since I see you as an example of achievement.
I thank you in advance.
My best wishes,
Jake |