Hi Marty! I'm Nico (20) from Buenos Aires. I usually follow you on twitter/facebook, and some months ago I read a comment where you said you had planned plenty of things to do outside Japan in 2012/13. I've seen you'll be touring to Europe this year, so I was wondering if thre's any chance for you to come to South America later, you know, you have a quite big public here I think ^^. Sometimes it's really important to see the artists that encourages us not just in music (which you absolutely do) but in our every day life too! Hope you're doing well there and I'm always waiting for your great creations to come out!
Ps: Yesterday I was watching the making of Youthanasia where you revealed (and asked not to tell anybody haha) that you had actually recorded some tracks with a strat, a guitar that's not cool shaped and then you said "look at this shape, look at the colour, you can like drink coffee on it". My god, you made me laugh like crazy, I have that guitar too and I've always thought about the coffee thing! |
I absolutely LOVE South America. Since the last time I was there in 2003, I`ve made two serious attempts to tour there, both almost becoming a reality, but in both cases, the promoters were unable to make it happen, and things got cancelled at the halfway mark. I would love nothing more than to do a nice long tour of SA and hit several cities all over your beautiful continent. |