Hi Marty, I am liked one affirmation of yours in one recent answer of yours about Religion!!! ....and I perfectly agree with you about the fact that religion taken in extreme can be dengerous!..but it's true also that taken in surface can be good!....because if the umanity had considered the ten commandments,, for exemple,, surely today nobody would take an aeroplane or a train with the fear that this is demolished and surely there be no wars!... so doesn't have entirely twisted the religion!! But I'm shep
tic when the occidental religions affirm that exists a God that assists in every moment, if then the world is full of ugly and unfair things... however I respect all of this!!! For the oriental religions it is different: they affirms shortly that a spirit exists inside all of us but that we have to gather It and to look for It ourselves, the Buddhism for example; in this a logic exists and I also shares it, contrarily of the western religions unfortunately.
So My questions are: Do you share with me this difference among western religion bigot and spiritual oriental religion? (You that also know well the east and you live beetwen the two world); Which are for you the principal differences between western world and oriental world? Is it true that are losing some healthy values in the east to favor the futile values of the western world? I'd like to know what do you think!!... Bye.. Your FAN !!
Boy did I get a lot of letters this week about religion! I know next to nothing about religion, and I don't wanna know. I try not to judge people by their beliefs, but by their DEEDS. Remember what I said before--Don't look to musicians for insight into religion or politics, or anything for that matter. You will likely be disillusioned when you find out what your fave artist thinks. Just enjoy the music. |